
NCC is a highly reputed body which is also a second line of defence. In India, many youngsters are trained in line with defence in case the need arises. If young students want to make it their career option, then being an NCC cadet holds a lot of weight. As they are directly associated with the ministry of defence.

Global College of Engineering and Management has an intake of 100 cadets under the flag of 1 MP Armored Squadron, Jabalpur for Senior Division for boys and girls where 33 % of the vacant seats every year are reserved for girls.

The duration of NCC training in the institute is 3 years, where students are enrolled in the first year of their academics (July-Aug). First year of NCC familiarizes them with basics of NCC as an organization. In the 2nd year, students have to attend 2 camps and have to appear in 'B' certificate exam. In the 3rd year, students have to attend 2 camps and have to appear in 'C' certificate exams. After completing the 'C' certificate successfully, a large no of job opportunities are available to them. Please go through following heads:


Introduction of NCC

A committee under Shri NH Kunzru was set up in 1946 on the directives of the first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, to consider the establishment of a nationwide cadet Corps. The recommendations of the committee paved the way for the National Cadet Corps, which was born through an Act of Parliament in 1948. The National Cadet Corps came into existence on 15th July, 1948 under the NCC Act XXXI of 1948 under the Ministry of Defense with the following aims:

  • To develop character, comradeship, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of adventure and the ideals of selfless service amongst the youth of the country.
  • To create a human resource of organized, trained and motivated youth, to provide leadership in all walks of life and always available for the service of the nation.
  • To provide a suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a career in the Armed Forces.

National Cadet Corps is a Tri-Services Organization, comprising the Army, Navy and Air Force, engaged in grooming the youth of the country into disciplined and patriotic citizens. The motto of NCC is unity and discipline. Unity means Oneness, irrespective of the caste, color or creed. Discipline means the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior.

Benefits of NCC


Details of vacancies reserved for commission in Defense Forces for NCC ‘C’ Certificate holders are as follows:

  • Army: 64 every year for IMA Dehradun through UPSC and SSB interview. 100 in Officer Training Academy (OTA) Chennai for Short Service Commission Non- Technical (no UPSC Exam) only SSB every year.
  • Navy: 6 per course, No UPSC Exam, only SSB interview. Two years age relaxation for NCC 'C' Certificate holders.
  • Indian Air Force: 10% in all courses including flying training courses. No UPSC Exam, only SSB.

Apart from above other benefits are:

  • For Sailors, Airmen: 5 to 10 % bonus marks awarded for recruitment.
  • Department of Telecommunication: Bonus marks awarded for recruitment.
  • CRPF: NCC cadets holding III division degree eligible for recruitment to gazetted posts.
  • NCC: Cadets having "C" certificate are eligible for examination to Civilian Gliding Instructors/Girl Cadet Instructors/Whole Time Lady Officers.
  • State Government: Preference for State Services in certain States.
  • Industry: Some industries give preference to NCC C certificate holders for various jobs related with the field of security.
  • NCC Games: Cash awards to teams and individuals for excellence.

NCC Camps

The basic aim of Camps is to introduce cadets to a regimented way of life and helps in developing camaraderie, team work, leadership qualities, self-confidence, self-reliance and dignity of labour in the cadets. The cadets are exposed to the excitement of camp life where they apply the theoretical knowledge that they had gained in Institutional Training.

Since NCC camps are held all over India therefore there is training in a various parts of the country, hence students get an opportunity of visit new places and learn the art of independence. They are required to use their social skills and their senses to get to know new places and adapt to the varying environment. Other than just social skills they also get to learn about the history and art of the new place.

NCC camps are organized under two categories:

  • Combined Annual Training Camp(CATC)
  • Centrally Organized Camps

The NCC cadets from Global College have attended following Centrally Organized Camps during last year:

  • Advance Leadership Camp(ALC )
  • Rock Climbing Camp
  • Trekking camp
  • National Integration Camp (NIC)/ Ek Bharat Swachh Bharat Camp (EBSB)
  • Thal Sainik Camp (TSC)
  • Army Attachment Camp (AAC)
  • Republic Day Camp (RDC)

NCC Academic Year 2019-20 was very much beneficial for the cadets as they had chance to attend various national camps. Details of camp attended by our students are as following:

  • 64 cadets ( 2nd year and 3rd year cadets ) took part in the CATC (Combined Annual Training Camp) held at Jabalpur from 8 July to 17 July 2019, where our cadets made their presence felt and won prizes in the various competitions held during the session.
  • 2 cadets named Under officer Yash Purohit and Under Officer Vanshika Singh were the part of All India Thal Sainink Camp. Both of them were given Best Cadet Award at unit level on 71st NCC day celebrated on 24th November 209 at NCC GP HQ Jabalpur.
  • 4 cadets (Anshul Patel , Hemant Yadav , Suraj Kumar , all from Mechanical 5th Sem , including Dewashish Bopche civil 5th sem ) attended RCTC (All India Rock Climbing and Trekking Camp) held at Gwalior from 31st October to 11 Nov 2019. They were the part of MP and CG winner team of Tug and war competition.
  • Cadet Mansi Yadav was the part of team selected to represent NCC Jabalpur GP HQ during Dhraa- Neer program held at Shorya Smarak, Bhopal during 71st NCC NCC day.
  • 5 cadets (Ashutosh Mishra, Ayush Yadav, Shivani Burman, Kajal Shriwas, and Yash Chadar ) have participated in EBSB (Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat ) camp held at Indore from 22 Nov to 2nd Dec 2019 .
  • 5 cadets are going to attend Gaya (Bihar) Trekking Camp starting from 22 January to 22 January 2020.
  • 12 cadets along with NCC Officer LT. (DR) Jaspal Singh Bagga became the part of 15 days Army Attachment Camp at Babina, Jhansi (UP) From 27 January to 11 February 2020.
  • Cadets Shaina Paul, EC 4th Semester worked hard to be the part of RDC (Republic Day Camp) 2019-20 and she was selected for PM Rally organized in Delhi on 26th January 2020.

Social Service Activities

Social Service activities have been structured to inspire and encourage the cadets to participate voluntarily towards improvement of their physical and social environment and channelize their energies in the task of nation building. NCC has adopted community development activities with the aim of imbibing amongst cadets selfless service to the community, dignity of labour importance of need to protect the environment and to assist weaker sections of the society in their upliftment. This is envisaged through……..

  • Adult-education
  • Tree plantation
  • Blood donation
  • Anti Dowry Rally
  • Anti Leprosy Drive
  • AIDS Awareness Rally
  • Visit to Old Age Homes
  • Rural outreach
  • International Yoga Day
  • Swachha Bharat Pakhwara

NCC Examination

The duration of NCC training in the institute is 3 years, where students are enrolled in the first year of their academics (July-Aug). First year of NCC familiarizes them with basics of NCC as an organization. In 2 nd year of NCC they appear for B and in 3 rd year they appear for C certificate examination. Details of these examinations are as under:

"B" Certificate Examination

  • The Cadet must be in second year of SD/SW NCC Training.
  • Must have attended one Annual Training Camp/ NIC/ Attachment training with regular Army, Navy, Air Force Units.
  • Cadets possessing "A" Certificate will be awarded 10 bonus marks.
  • The cadet must have attended a minimum of 75% of total training period laid down in the syllabus for the first and second years for Senior Division Wing NCC (All Wings).

"C" Certificate Examination

  • Cadet must have passed "B" certificate.
  • The Cadet must be in second/third year of SD/SW NCC Training.
  • The Cadet must have attended a minimum of 75% of the periods of 3rd year syllabus during the academic session.

Achievements of Cadets







1 Shyamli Yadav SUO Paramedical CWS Best NCC cadet in Jabalpur group and ADJ medal of excellence awardee in MP & CG 2024
3 Harsh Singh Rajgond UO IT Best NCC cadet in Jabalpur group 2023
4 Shivani Sahu SUO CS Participated in Republic day camp 2022
5 ShobhitKawde SUO EC CWS Best NCC cadet in Jabalpur group 2022
6 Kratika Agrawal SUO IT Participated in Republic day camp 2021
7 Shaina Pal SUO EC Become the part of Republic Day Camp January 2020 at Delhi
8 Vanshika Singh Under officers CS Become the part of Thal Sena Camp  2019
9 Yash Purohit Under officers ME Become the part of Thal Sena Camp  2019
10 Vanshika Singh Under officer CS Best NCC Girl cadet at unit level in 2019
11 Yash Purohit Under officer ME Best NCC cadet at unit level in 2019
12 Shreya Tiwari Under officer EC Best NCC Girl cadet at unit level in 2018
13 Saurabh Jharia Senior Under officer ME Best NCC cadet at unit level in 2018
14 Ajeet Patel Senior Under officer IT Best NCC cadet at unit level in 2017
15 Shivyank Pateria Senior Under officer ME Best NCC cadet at directorate level in 2016

Our Officer

Institute has a dedicated NCC Officer who attended a 03 months training from 11 July 2016 to 08 October 2016 at OTA Kamptee . The NCC Officer Dr.Jaspal Singh Bagga completed the rigorous and tough training with A Garde and commsioned in NCC as Lieutenant on 08 - 10- 20216 . The NCC Officer motivates the cadets take part in various social service schemes. Cadets are also guided to join Indian Armd and Paramilitary forces . NCC Officer Dr.Jaspal S.Bagga was given Best NCC Officer at Unit level for the year 2018-19 as well as he has got Best NCC Officer Award at Jabalpur Group level in 2020 -21.

S.No. Name of Officer Designation Qualification Achievements
1 LT. Dr. Jaspal Singh Bagga Lieutenant M.COM, MBA,
M.A. (English)
Best ANO Award On 70TH NCC Day 2018 , Best NCC Officer Award at Jabalpur Group level in 2020 -21.

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