Computer Science & Engineering Department

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Departmental Profile

Computers have become an inherent part of our routine life. No department or business can be thought of being fully functional and automated without the use of computers. Proper use of computerized facilities results in cost cutting, proper resource utilization that includes machinery and manpower, increased efficiency and productivity in terms of quality and timeliness, better statistical analysis for critical decisions related to business growth and numerous other advantages.

With the uncountable advantages, every organization is looking for computer engineering professionals. The professionals with mastered skills are offered very high pay scales and with several other benefits like world tours. With state of the art infrastructure and adequate facilities, GLOBAL is at the top of the list in Jabalpur.

The department has one of the best and finest computing facilities in the region. The department has produced quality computer professionals and feels proud of its alumni employed in public, private and educational sectors, bringing fame to their alma mater. A dedicated team of the Department works with a sense of responsibility and dedication to help the students excel and achieve success.

In addition to imparting conventional technical education and a rich learning environment, the emphasis is laid on technical activities such as workshops, debates, guest lecturers and quizzes to prepare students for the highly competitive job environment.

The objective of department is to provide knowledge of modern computing systems as well as sound theoretical background. The department also aims at establishing a strong relationship with the industry so as to bridge the gap between the academic and corporate sector. The department strongly aims at cultivating qualities like leadership, teamwork, self-confidence and good communication skills among its students.

Prof. Saurabh Sharma
HOD (CS Engineering)
B.E.(CSE), M.Tech (CSE),PhD* (CSE)

Departmental Profile

Computers have become an inherent part of our routine life. No department or business can be thought of being fully functional and automated without the use of computers. Proper use of computerized facilities results in cost cutting, proper resource utilization that includes machinery and manpower, increased efficiency and productivity in terms of quality and timeliness, better statistical analysis for critical decisions related to business growth and numerous other advantages.

With the uncountable advantages, every organization is looking for computer engineering professionals. The professionals with mastered skills are offered very high pay scales and with several other benefits like world tours. With state of the art infrastructure and adequate facilities, GLOBAL is at the top of the list in Jabalpur.

The department has one of the best and finest computing facilities in the region. The department has produced quality computer professionals and feels proud of its alumni employed in public, private and educational sectors, bringing fame to their alma mater. A dedicated team of the Department works with a sense of responsibility and dedication to help the students excel and achieve success.

In addition to imparting conventional technical education and a rich learning environment, the emphasis is laid on technical activities such as workshops, debates, guest lecturers and quizzes to prepare students for the highly competitive job environment.

The objective of department is to provide knowledge of modern computing systems as well as sound theoretical background. The department also aims at establishing a strong relationship with the industry so as to bridge the gap between the academic and corporate sector. The department strongly aims at cultivating qualities like leadership, teamwork, self-confidence and good communication skills among its students.


Courses Offered

Career Opportunities

Computer engineering is an interdisciplinary field of study, one that combines electrical engineering and computer science disciplines into a specialized professional area. In short, computer engineers make computers and computing systems better. Broadly, computer engineers design hardware for computing systems, establish computer network, design software for applications, analyze and design microprocessors, build interface systems, and work with microcontrollers. In turn, computer engineering has wide applications, impacting areas such as Software Development, Database Administration, Cyber Security, Wireless Networking, Design Automation, Computer Networks, Mobile Computing, Robotics, Embedded Systems, and Machine Intelligence. At the career level, Computer Engineering offers two central paths - hardware and software engineering - and multiple sub-specialty or areas of concentration.

Computer science is one of the hottest and most in-demand professional fields, with the Bureau of Labour Statistics projecting 18 percent growth nationally for all computer occupations between 2012 and 2022.

Baderia Global Institute leaves no stone unturned to grab the opportunities to the students to get maximum campus placements. For this the college conducts various placement drives. Prestigious companies and highly reputed MNC’s are invited to the Campus itself to recruit students for their Companies.

The placement drives are held every year by highly renowned companies like, TCS, Citrix, Infosys, Amazon, Amdocs, Capgemini, Cognizant, Adobe etc. which recruit our highly passionate and competent students.

Student Achievement

Infrastructure Details

1. Computer Laboratories: The CSE department having eight fully air conditioned and well furnished labs. All labs having branded PC with minimum i3 Processor, 4 GB RAM, LAN connection with Internet facility. All labs are connected with server to provide modern teaching and learning environment and fast access to the Internet. Fire safety equipments are available. All labs are also equipped with sufficient numbers of Printers and Scanners. The names of labs are:

  • C Programming Lab
  • OOPs Programming Lab
  • Computer Networking Lab
  • Advance Programming Lab
  • Data Base Management System Lab
  • Operating Systems (Unix/Linux) Lab
  • Machine Learning/ Soft Computing Lab



2. Departmental Library: Department have library other then Central Library. The departmental library having more than 200 reference and text book, which is easily accessible by the staff and students. One faculty member is assigned as Incharge of departmental library to keep library in proper shape.

Course Objective

  • To form graduates that would have strong concepts about basic mathematics and engineering sciences and ability to use them in the field of computer science.
  • To form graduates who establish themselves as proficient in solving real problems with the help of computer science knowledge, effective communication and problem solving skills.
  • To impart the knowledge of theory and practices of CSE and its application in the modern research and industry trends to the students. Also train the students with good practical exposure by using latest software tools.
  • To form graduates who would be able to develop professional skills that prepares them for immediate employment and for life-long learning in advanced areas of computer science and related fields.
  • To form graduates that would have professional and ethical attitude, effective communication skills, teamwork skills, multidisciplinary and educational foundation that will help them to contribute in the field of industry, consultancy, government and academia.

List Of Seminars & Workshops Organized By Department Since Last Three Years Is As Under:

  • Workshop on Intellectual Property on 31st January 2024 ”
  • Webinar on “An Eye Opener to Data Science and Machine Learning”, dated 9-May-2020 By Mr. Jatin Ahuja
  • Webinar on “MBA and Management-Why After Graduation?”, dated 8-May-2020 By Mr. Priyansh Mishra
  • Webinar on “HP UFT and SQL Server”, dated 29-May-2020 By Mr. Sudeep Dutta
  • Webinar on “Armed Forces as a Career”, dated 23-May-2020 By LT. Viplav Gupta
  • Webinar on “Hybrid Application (Ionic& Angular)”, dated 21-May-2020 By Mr. Rohan Pawar
  • Webinar on “JS + Ionic 4”, dated 17-May-2020 By Mr. Anuj Rajak
  • Seminar on “Technical requirements in IT industry”, dated 23-Jan-2020 By Mr Jacob Azhakathu
  • Workshop on “Block chain” , dated 17-Jan-2020 By Mr Ateet Yadav
  • Workshop on “Ethical Hacking”, dated 30-Oct-2019 By Mr Tausif Shaikh
  • Workshop on “IOT”, dated 1-Oct-2019 By Nikhil Gupta (IANT group)
  • Workshop on “Automata Designing”, dated 27-Sep-2019 By Mr. Shailesh Kamle
  • Workshop on “C#”, dated 21-Jan-2019 By Prof Deepak Parnjpe
  • Workshop on “PHP and Word Press”, dated May-2018
  • Webinar on “Cloud Computing”, dated Apr-2018
  • Workshop on “Web Designing using HTML and JavaScript”, dated Apr-2018 By Prof Satpal Singh, Prof Deepak Paranjpe
  • Workshop on “Networking Concepts”, dated Mar-2018 By Dr. Sameer Shrivastava
  • Workshop on “Python”, dated Feb-2018 By Mr. Surya Pratap Singh and Team
  • Workshop on “Hardware”, dated Jan-2018 By Dr.Sameer Shrivastava
  • Webinar on “Computational Thinking”, dated Jan-2018
  • Workshop on “Assembling of Computer”, dated Sep-2017 By Mr. Abhinav Tripathi
  • Workshop on “Xamrine”, dated Sep-2017 By Mr Supreet Tare
  • Workshop on “PHP & Word Press” , dated Aug-2017 By Mr Shashank Tiwari
  • Workshop on “Hacking”, dated Jan-2017 By Mr Abhinav Tripathi
  • To form graduates that would have strong concepts about basic mathematics and engineering sciences and ability to use them in the field of computer science.
  • To form graduates who establish themselves as proficient in solving real problems with the help of computer science knowledge, effective communication and problem solving skills.
  • To impart the knowledge of theory and practices of CSE and its application in the modern research and industry trends to the students. Also train the students with good practical exposure by using latest software tools.
  • To form graduates who would be able to develop professional skills that prepares them for immediate employment and for life-long learning in advanced areas of computer science and related fields.
  • To form graduates that would have professional and ethical attitude, effective communication skills, teamwork skills, multidisciplinary and educational foundation that will help them to contribute in the field of industry, consultancy, government and academia.

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